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Students will demonstrate understandings of the developmental stages of children and adolescents, of a variety of models of cognition, and of how each of these can be connected to effective teaching and learning.

Student Learning Objective #3: Features

Children grow and go through different stages. This is important to understand when trying to help Black boys and girls navigate society and tackle prejudices, especially in the education system. As an educator I need to understand how they think, learn, and feel at different ages. I also need to understand how racism, sexism, and various forms of oppression affect how these children develop as well.








Artifact #1

Continuing the work I have done in SCFE, I decided to explore the developmental stages of Black girls and how that affects how their interpretation of media and percievement of themselves in my Ed Psych. I did this by evaluating a study called “ This Is Not Reality … It's Only TV: African American Girls Respond to Media (Mis)Representations," which look to gain insight on how false and misconstrued portrayals that represent Black girlhood can have positive or negative implications on how real young Black girls construct their own identities. While reviewing this study, I came to realize the power media has in telling us and others who we are and what we look like. 

In my Intro to Developmental Psychology class, we watched a documentary called 21 Up in America, which follows the same group of economically, racially and socially diverse kids growing up in America every seven years. The documentary gave me understanding in how developmental stages plus oppression impact the growth of marginalized students. 

Artifact #2

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